Empower your clients and grow your practice with Taxi

Join our Partner Programme and unlock exclusive benefits for both your practice and the clients you serve.
Taxi is for everyone
Our new financial platform is redefining New Zealand's business funding landscape. By partnering with us,  you're adopting a new service and bringing a new tool to your clients that offers peace of mind and room to grow. Clients can access an amount equal to 90% of their provisional tax payments made through Taxi in the preceding 12 months. At the same time, you’ll be providing your clients access to significant savings on big bank overdraft fees while you diversify your revenue streams and enhance your service offerings.
Clients save on bank fees
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Diversify revenue streams
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Enhance your offerings
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Our exclusive Taxi Partner benefits

Empower your practice and enhance your client offering with Taxi’s tailored partner benefits.

Offer more value

Be recognised for your time

Sustain your growth

Offer your clients a tangible financial benefit—a 10% discount on their quarterly Taxi fees.
Receive a $200 onboarding contribution for each of the first 5,000 taxpaying Taxi users you sign up, followed by $95 for each additional user.
Receive $2 per month for each taxpaying user. This steady income helps cover any extra administrative tasks associated with managing your clients’ Taxi accounts.

Dedicated support and 
tailored resources

Want to find out more? Book an expert
We love that Taxi is helping Kiwi keep more money in their business.
Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris — Lighthouse Financial